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Home ("Я - РОССИЯ") (WE ARE RUSSIA All-Russian Art Project)
Information about the author
Last name, first name of the author
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Имя и фамилия на английском языке
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Author's e-mail
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Author's phone number
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Professional Group
"Adults": over 35 years old
"Youth": 19-35 years old
"Junior": 15-18 years old
"Children": up to 14 years old
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Художественный руководитель (фамилия, имя, отчество), для диплома
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Телефон художественного руководителя
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E-mail художественного руководителя
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Название учебного заведения или студии, которую представляет автор, для диплома (желательно без сокращений)
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Participation method
In-person participation: Size of the work up to 50 cm on the longest side
In-person participation: Size of the work from 51 to 80 cm on the longest side
In-person participation: Size of the work from 81 to 120 cm on the longest side
In-person participation: Size of the work from 121 to 180 cm on the longest side
In-person participation: Size of the work more than 181 cm on the longest side
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in an A3 art book
Distant (online) participation:: printing on A3 paper, placing in an IKEA frame
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, without a passe-partout A4
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, without a passe-partout A3
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, without a passe-partout A2
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, without a passe-partout A1
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, without a passe-partout Passe-partout A0
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, with passe-partout A4
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, with passe-partout A3
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, with passe-partout A2
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, with passe-partout A1
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy in a gift baguette, with passe-partout A0
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy on foam board A4
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy on foam board A3
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy on foam board A2
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy on foam board A1
Distant (online) participation:: photocopy on foam board A0
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Exhibition Section
Fine Art Competition
Decorative and Applied Art Competition
Digital Art, Animation and Photography Competition
Artistic Word Contest (Readers' Contest)
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Title of the artwork
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Section "Contest of fine arts": Sketches and sketches
Section "Contest of fine arts": Nature and landscapes
Section "Competition of fine Arts": Architecture and urbanism
Section "Contest of fine Arts": Still lifes and compositions
Section "Contest of fine Arts": Wild animals and habitat
Section "Fine Art Contest": Pets
Section "Contest of fine arts": Flora and flowers
Section "Fine Art Contest": My family
Section "Contest of fine Arts": Illustrations of fairy tales, myths and stories
Section "Contest of fine Arts": Abstractions and futuristic compositions
Section "Contest of fine Arts": Thematic composition (picture telling a story)
Section "Competition of fine arts": Free topic (experiments)
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Decorative painting
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Decorative panel
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Carving and inlays
Section "Competition of decorative and applied arts": Souvenirs and gifts
Section "Decorative and Applied Art Contest": Jewelry and accessories
Section "Competition of decorative and applied arts": Ceramics
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Mosaics and stained glass windows
Section "Competition of decorative and applied arts": Forging and casting
Section "Competition of decorative and applied arts": Architecture
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Architectural layout
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Textile painting (except batik)
Section "Competition of decorative and applied art": Batik and paintings on fabric
Section "Competition of decorative and applied arts": Knitting, weaving
Section "Competition of digital art, animation and photography": Multimedia project
Section "Digital Art, Animation and Photography Contest": Happening
Section "Digital Art, Animation and Photography Contest": Art Photography
Section "Competition of digital art, animation and photography": Portraits
Section "Digital Art, Animation and Photography Contest": My world (my family, my school, etc.)
Section "Contest of digital art, animation and photography": The nature of my region
Section "Contest of digital art, animation and photography": Our smaller brothers
Section "Contest of digital art, animation and photography": Architecture of my region
Section "Competition of digital art, animation and photography": Civic position
Section "Competition of digital art, animation and photography": Experiments in digital art
Section "Contest of digital art, animation and photography": Hand-drawn animation
Section "Competition of digital art, animation and photography": Computer animation
Section "Competition of digital art, animation and photography": Three-dimensional puppet animation
Section "Artistic Word Contest (Readers' contest)": Poetry (works by famous authors)
Section "Artistic Word Contest (Readers' Contest)": Prose (works by famous authors)
Section "Artistic Word Contest (Readers' contest)": Theatrical reprise
Section "Artistic Word Contest (Readers' Contest)": Performance of own works (poetry and prose)
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Photo of the contest artwork
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Photo of the author
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Scan or photo of membership card (up to 3 Mb)
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Additional materials (up to 10 Mb)
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Комментарии и предложения
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Send the application form to the organizing committee
Send the application form to the organizing committee