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Home ("Арт-География Липецкой области и г.Липецка) ("Art-Geography of Krasnodar Region and the City of Krasnodar") copy
Information about the author
Last name, first name of the author
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First and Last name of the participant in native language
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Author's e-mail
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Author's phone number
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Professional Group
Member of the Eurasian Art Union
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia (Krasnodar branch)
Professional (member of other associations and unions)
Professional (I am not a member of any unions or associations)
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What region does your work represent?
Art Geography of Krasnodar City
Art Geography of Krasnodar Region
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"Architecture": Ancient streets and alleys
"Architecture": Architecture with history
"Architecture": Iconic architectural structures
"Architecture": A person in an urban environment
"Architecture": Industrial architecture
"Architecture": Architecture of a modern city
"Nature": Natural landscape
"Nature": Water landscape
"Nature": Rural landscape with a regional flavor
"Nature": Urban landscape with a staff
"Nature": Landscape on the state of nature
"Nature": Sketches and sketches made from nature
"Nature": Symbolism of nature
"Man and History": A man of labor
"Man and History": Historical painting
"Man and History": The splendor of the feat
"Man and History": Urban life
"Man and History": Rural life
"Man and History": Military everyday
life "Man and History": Workdays
"Man and History": Symbolism of life
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Title of the artwork
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Size (height*width), for three-dimensional art objects - three dimensions
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Year of creation
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Форма участия | Participation method
Personal participation: The size of the product is up to 50 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 51 to 80 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 81 to 120 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 121 to 180 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is more than 181 cm. on the larger side
Distant (online) participation: in art-book A3
Distant (online) participation: printing on paper and framed
Distant (online) participation: printing on foam board А3
Distant (online) participation: printing on foam board А2
Distant (online) participation: printing on foam board А1
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Where will you submit your works for the exhibition?
Krasnodar, Krasnaya St., 13 (Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after F. A. Kovalenko)
Moscow, Kievskaya St., bldg. 2, 4th floor of the TGC "Kievsiy" (directorate of the Eurasian Art Union, 10:00-18:00)
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Краткая информация о картине
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Photo of the contest artwork
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Photo of the author
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Scan or photo of membership card (up to 3 Mb)
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Additional materials (up to 10 Mb)
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What is the cost of your art object
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Booking a catalog
Yes, I need a catalog in paper
Yes, I need an electronic catalog
I don't know, I'll think about it and inform the organizing committee later
No, I don't need a catalog
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Комментарии и предложения
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Send the application form to the organizing committee