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Home ("АССАМБЛЕЯ ИСКУССТВ В ЕВРОПЕ") ("ART ASSEMBLY IN EUROPE" International exhibition and competition of contemporary art)
Information about the author
Last name, first name of the author
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First and Last name of the participant in native language
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Author's e-mail
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Author's phone number
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Профессиональная группа | Professional Group
Member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists or the Eurasian Art Union
Professional (member of other associations and unions)
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Title of the artwork
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Size (height*width), for three-dimensional art objects - three dimensions
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Year of creation
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Architecture of the World
Landscapes of the World
Watercolor World
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Contest Section
Painting Competition
Watercolor Contest
Pastel Contest
Graphics Competition
Illustration Competition
Photography Competition
Animation Competition
Sculpture Competition
Textile Competition
Arts&Crafts Competition
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Landscapes of the World: Urban landscape
Landscapes of the World: Natural landscape
Landscapes of the World: Park landscape
Landscapes of the World: Seascape
Landscapes of the World: Rural landscape
Landscapes of the World: Cosmic landscape
Landscapes of the World: Industrial landscape
Landscapes of the World: Futuristic landscape
Architecture of the World: Temple Architecture
Architecture of the World: Architecture of the old city
Architecture of the World: Architecture of a modern city
Architecture of the World: Industrial Architecture
Architecture of the World: Architecture and Man
Architecture of the World: Architecture and Animals
Architecture of the World: Futuristic architecture
Watercolor World: Landscape
Watercolor World: Architecture
Watercolor World: Portrait
Watercolor World: Still Life
Watercolor World: Fauna and wildlife
Watercolor World: Flora and flowers
Watercolor World: Water element
Watercolor World: Hyperrealistic painting
Watercolor World: Plein-air painting
Watercolor World: Symbolic Painting
Watercolor World: Thematic composition
Watercolor World: Experiments in watercolor
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Форма участия | Participation method
Personal participation: The size of the product is up to 50 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 51 to 80 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 81 to 120 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 121 to 180 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is more than 181 cm. on the larger side
Distant (online) participation: in art-book A3
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Photo of the contest artwork
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Photo of the author
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Scan or photo of membership card (up to 3 Mb)
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Additional materials (up to 10 Mb)
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Booking a catalog
Yes, I need the catalog in paper form
Yes, I need the catalog in electronic form
I don't know, I'll think about it and I will inform the organizing committee later
No, I don't need a catalog
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What is the cost of your art object
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Комментарии и предложения
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Send the application form to the organizing committee
Send the application form to the organizing committee